“Watercolor is my medium and lifestyle and architectural elements of Italy and Sonoma County are what I absorb and become my subjects.”

Linda Unti is a watercolor artist and vineyard/winery owner in Dry Creek Valley, Healdsburg, Ca.

Linda began painting 19 years ago after a long career which began as a high school teacher and ended with heading communications for Visa International.

She has always sketched, but began studying watercolor locally with Judy Greenberg and Phyllis Rapp.  Linda continues to develop her skills by taking workshops with nationally known artists such as John Salminen , Ric Dentinger, Jean Haines and most recently Christopher Schink.

Linda holds an M.S. in Education from Oregon State University.  Her paintings are on display at Unti Winery and Rued Winery, both in Dry Creek Valley and at her studio.